Tuesday, July 24, 2012

History of Education...need for change

I think the discussion about the history of education is fascinating! It is all so true...factory models, assembly line, batches, forcing conformity on kids to fit one model....the list goes on right? What perplexes me is what continues to drive this type of system besides budgets? Teachers know that change can happen without increasing cost...especially with awesome tools like Google...so, what is the hold up? What gains are made by not shifting practice? 

Collaboration stretches thinking. We are inspired and challenged by each other. I often see and participate in the most amazing work when others are involved. I see a lot of potential for sites and drive to really transform the work my students will do this year to foster a more collaborative work environment. 

I also really enjoy the whiteboard presentations. It is a creative way to demonstrate information, I would like to see students try this for upcoming projects.

1 comment:

  1. Jenn, part of the problem with slow change in education is for so long educators have been living in their own island states right along with students and their desks in rows...perhaps using Google Tools as educators in planning and curriculum mapping could build bridges to our islands. Then we can begin to create cross curricular units of study that focus on collaboration and authentic learning opportunities with a variety of tools embedded to enhance learning!
